Welcome to Coed Y Brain Primary School. Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Coed y Brain. Believe to achieve - learning and growing together!
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Coed-Y-Brain Primary School

Welcome toCoed-Y-Brain Primary School

Additional Learning Needs



Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Act (ALN ET 2018)

The system for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disability in Wales is changing. The Welsh Government is bringing in a new more flexible and responsive system of meeting the needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities and are striving to deliver a fully inclusive education system for the learners of Wales.

The new system will ensure:

  • needs are identified early, addressed quickly and all learners are supported to reach their potential.
  • our professionals are skilled and confident in identifying needs and deploying strategies to help learners overcome their barriers to learning.
  • that the learner is at the centre of everything we do and that they and their parents and carers are equal partners in their learning. (Person Centred Approach)

From September 2021 the new system will be brought in gradually over the next few years (2021 -2024). Here are some of the key messages about these changes and what they may mean for you and your child. 


If you would like any additional information or advice, please contact us at the school or the Caerphilly Additional Needs Service LEI administration 01443 866610


Caerphilly LA  key information


Additional Learning Needs (ALN) 

Many children have additional learning needs at some time during their school lives. Some have additional needs because they find aspects of learning difficult, some because of specific difficulties or impairments, and others have special needs because they have high ability. The school aims to meet the needs of these pupils through careful planning, and when appropriate, by the provision of additional support.


When children have additional learning needs, provision is detailed in an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that specifies learning objectives and clear, achievable targets which help the child to make progress.


Each pupil with ALN is reviewed three times a year so that provision is kept up to date and appropriate. Parents are kept informed of these reviews and their child’s Individual Education Plan is shared with them. ALN Transformation means changes to how we work together.


A significant number of pupils within the school have statements of special educational needs. These pupils are subject to certain statutory requirements. Their statements are reviewed annually to ensure the provision continues to match their needs. These children may, due to their specific needs, have to have curricular modifications or adapted assessment arrangements made in order to address their needs.


Needs of more able children are met through carefully differentiated learning activities. These are suitably challenging and extend the learner. The school operates a “Most Able and Talented” register to keep staff informed regarding these children.
