Useful Information
PE Day
This half term PE is on a Wednesday afternoon. We are focusing on fitness, therefore we will be indoors and outdoors.
Children need to have:
Jogging bottoms/shorts/skort
Learning logs are given out on a Friday. This term, I have given homework tasks for the next 7 weeks. Children are able to choose which task they wish to do and when. Where possible they should be returned by the following Monday. Homework will also be sent via SeeSaw.
Reading books
Children have been given reading books to read at home. Please can you mark in your child’s reading records if they have read to you. Reading records and books need to be returned the following Thursday so they can be changed.
Many thanks for your support with this.
Please may we take this opportunity to ask parents to sign up to SeeSaw family. We are increasingly using it within in class and it will update you of what we have been doing.
Many thanks