Our Curriculum for 2022 Launch!
The curriculum in Wales is changing, and from September 2022, all schools in Wales will design their own curricula against a common framework. After many years of collaborating with our cluster and consortia pioneer schools, and after much discussion with staff, parents, pupils and governors, we are ready to launch our exciting Coed Y Brain curriculum.
At Coed Y Brain Primary School, we believe in learning and growing together to nurture and inspire our pupils to believe they can achieve!
We listened to learners, parents, staff, governors and our local community. These 10 key words occurred most frequently when discussing our vision: Happy, Safe, Encourage, Inspire, Respect, Resilience, Fairness, Collaboration, Perseverance, Ambition.
Using stakeholder feedback and curriculum documentation, we co constructed a curriculum that reflects our vision and values and prepares our learners to become:
As we roll out our new curriculum, we will continue to reflect and review our provision and professional learning to ensure that the CYB curriculum meets the needs of our learners and school community.
We are delighted to share it with you and a brief summary overview can be seen below.
What does your child learn at school each day? The new curriculum and exciting times for us all - Successful Futures
The Curriculum
Teaching and Learning
The school’s curriculum fulfils the requirements of the Welsh Assembly Government in all the required subjects. We strive to present the curriculum in a way which is engaging and stimulating for all pupils; encouraging their development as independent learners. We are very excited by the changes ahead with you and your child. https://gov.wales/docs/dcells/publications/151021-a-curriculum-for-wales-poster.pdf
The Foundation Phase is made up of areas of learning and Key Stage 2 of subjects. We are exploring the Areas of Learning Experiences. The school’s curriculum crosses these boundaries; a large part of children’s learning is cross-curricular; a topic on castles may for example involve children in extended literacy and numeracy work, ICT, art, music, etc. Classes share their topic webs and plans with you so you can see what the children and staff have planned for the coming term. There is always English, maths and ICT in the plans. Some themes are more scientific or historical but we ensure we cover the range and skills necessary as set out by WG. We listen to learners to have their voice and ideas on what and how we learn.
The school’s curriculum takes into consideration the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Strategies and Frameworks to maximise pupils learning in these key skills.
Religious Education
It is a requirement that Religious Education forms a part of every school's basic curriculum. As required by law each child takes part in a collective act of worship every day. The religious content is broadly Christian in nature; although children are taught of other faiths during the school year.
Parents have the right to ask for their Child to be exempt from religious education ‑ if this is desired, parents are asked to discuss their child's withdrawal with the Headteacher.
Sex and Relationships Education
Our policy can be summarised as follows:
The school Personal and Social Education policy defines what is taught. Whilst teachers will aim to answer children’s enquiries honestly and frankly, the policy draws clear boundaries beyond which it is felt inappropriate to go. The policy was ratified by governors in September 2014. Parents are welcome to a copy of the policy and to view any of the materials used in teaching. Parents maintain the right to withdraw their children from all or any aspects of sex and relationships education. Please inform the Headteacher if this is your wish.
Equal Opportunities
All children in the school have equal opportunities. Every effort is made to ensure that the whole curriculum is accessible to both sexes. Pupils with special education needs and those from ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Welsh Language/Curriculum Cymreig
Whilst the curriculum is taught through the medium of English, all children are given lessons in the Welsh language. In addition daily use of Welsh is encouraged in a variety of context throughout the school.
The school values its Welsh heritage and opportunities are taken throughout the curriculum to develop children’s understanding of their country and its culture.
The school holds a competitive Eisteddfod on St. David’s Day. Some pupils go on to compete in local and national Eisteddfodau. The school has a Criw Cymraeg and a group of pupils visit The Urdd camp at Llangrannog every year.
All our pupils experience music as part of their curriculum. We are particularly proud of our singing heritage; we have performed with both the Aber and Cwm Male Voice Choirs. Peripatetic tutors for violin and brass visit the school and many pupils benefit from these extra lessons during their time at school. There is no charge for these lessons but regular practice is a requirement.
All children within the school to take part in physical education through the PE curriculum and many take advantage of the school clubs.
If your child is unable to take part in PE for a health reason, would you please inform the school.
For games and physical education, a change of clothing is necessary. Please provide a T-Shirt and shorts, for indoor P.E.. Suitable clothing (depending on the season) and appropriate footwear is needed for games.
Year 4 have intensive swimming lessons during the school year.
Coed-y-Brain has a good reputation for its participation in a variety of sports including; rugby, football, netball, cricket and cross-country running. Many of these feature in our extra-curricular activities at various times of the year.
All pupils take part in the school’s annual sports day. This is held in Llanbradach Park is a popular and enjoyable day for pupils and parents alike. We always compete in the District Sports; in the last two years the school has achieved a 1st and 3rd placement in this event.